Intentionally Present for your Next Season

Prosperity and flourishment do not happen accidentally. You have got to be intentional about everything. Many people are sitting on prophecies and promises that they were given years ago. Year in year out they talk about these things and sometimes in gloating, “I was told that I will be prosperous, I will travel nations, I will be walking in miracles in my future” If you look back you will probably notice that you have been reciting the same thing over and over for more than two years. People tend to glory in the past or what they will become in the future forgetting that faith is now and that their present is very important.

 What is happening in your present?

When we do not focus on our present, we miss the important aspects of our lives, we stop living now and live for the future. In Mathew 6:34 we are told not to worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Worrying about tomorrow will only cause you to not appreciate what is happening today, it will cause you to feel discontented, makes you compare yourself with others and make you inadequate. There is nothing wrong with being ambitious about the future, but as children of God, it is more peaceful to thrive through purpose. Ambition causes one to chase things, yet purpose brings things to you. In ambition. You look for opportunities, recognition, acceptance, you chase for money and material things, but in purpose, these things are there at your disposal and you only need to receive them.

 Intentional living is about being present, it is about acknowledging who you are, acknowledging God and what is truthfully transpiring around you. You can only effectively implement, be established and be ready for the next season if you are present now. Being present now will give you a base to spring from with grounding and stability. It will help you calibrate, refuel, revive, and transform for the next season.

Are you present now to yourself?

Who are you? not who were you last season, are you still confident with your identity. Has it stayed intact with the issues of the past season or there has been some shaking? Do you still hold your values? Are you still aligned with the person you said you were going to need to be for that season and moving forward? We always need to check and see if we are resourceful and confident enough to move on and face the waves of the dimension we are about to enter.

Are you present to your successes?

Do you know how successful you have been in this year? Being aware of your success can give you confidence for the next season, it can give you a boost and therefore it is important to take time to reflect and journal, it creates a thankful and grateful heart. You may say oh, but l am not successful, could it be these are limitations pointing on your shortcomings rather than maximizing on your victories. A great way to log in your success is to celebrate even the tiniest victories and create a monument. Buying a glass jar then writing little notes to open at the end of the year can help you keep track of the successes.

Are you present to your failures?

Your failures are not always bad, they can help you learn and grow. Growth comes when we put ourselves in a position to learn, and sometimes one has to say “l failed, how can l do this better. Should l enrol on a course, should l get a mentor, coach, or consultant? Most people feel if they fail in a season, they are limited and cannot go on. Instead of bettering themselves they are defeated by the emotions they experience instead of seeing those emotions as a sign that they really care. Your perspective in a failure is very important. You have the power to choose how you act and move one. Most people do not like to feel pain, so they quickly pack it away and stop trying because they don’t want to feel discomfort. However, the best way that l have seen working is to understand what is really hurting. The failure is not the thing that causes pain. The meaning we give to a thing, relationship or event is what causes those painful emotions. With failure comes shame, feelings of insecurity, disappointment due to expectations not met.  Sadly, people choose to pack away the pain and not look at the thing they have been working on and assume because “l have stopped working on it , that’s it its gone” However, the emotions and memory of failure are still present with them and hinder them to move on , what happens is that they continue to cycle around those emotions and feelings that have become baggage, roots, limitations and filters for decision making.

Are you present to your health?

 The question to ask yourself is “do l feel great for the next season, am l fit enough, do l have the physical stamina to withstand the unknown pressure it brings. A healthy body is essential when you are manoeuvring in the next season. It helps with motivation. You need to know how you can replenish in those times you experience fatigue, plan for these moments because they will come.  I like going to a different city for a weekend and having some quality and quantity time with The Holy Spirit with my phone off. This really charges me up and l come from that secret spiritual place charged up and ready for the next assignment. I tend to have these charging up sessions with The Holy Spirit on a regular basis as well in the week. When talking about health we cannot leave out exercise. What exercises will you be doing? walks, gym, running or home videos. Find out what goes with your life, there is no point copying a friend who goes to the gym, yet you cannot afford it, or when you have a small baby and do not have babysitting.  Be present with your situation and contentment will come. It’s about what works for you in that season and not stretching yourself.   It’s very important to know if your body has the necessary essential minerals and if they are balanced, there are vitamins one can take. Moreover, it’s very important to do a full body checkup so that you are not met with surprises in the season. At least after every six months, one should be able to have a check-up by a medical professional and cultivate healthy eating and sleeping habits.

Are you present in your Internal being?

Your Soul (Mind, Heart-Emotions) and Spirit should be in a great place.

 Your internal space should be a secure place because most of the things that happen in your life spring from there. Your convictions, values, beliefs, motives, reasoning’s, attitude, actions decisions. Whatever your mind conceives will be brought forth. Whether it’s positive or negative. Is your mind renewed enough and aligned with the activities of the coming season? It’s one thing to have a desire and dream but if your mind has not been transformed to suit it then you might just find yourself living in the past or seeing the same results you experienced last season.

 A lot of people struggle with mental health but are too embarrassed to admit it because of a lack of understanding and the stigma it carries. In the end, they hide and deal with this illness in unhealthy ways, Instead of just being present and dealing with the issues to move on with clarity and peace.

Your soul needs a lot of attention, especially in the heart. There are a lot of elements out there that can bring brokenness to our hearts. If you don’t carter for your heart the danger is that you will work from the bleeding cracks, that end up bleeding out into your work and environment. Internal wounds can make or break us. This is where limitations, doubt’s, negative voices, negative emotions, fears, and past hurts dwell. This area of your internal being desires cultivation for the next season by uprooting the negatives planted in the last season and planting new springs and wells for the next season. You’ve got to learn to be internally resourceful.

Most people tend to think that the spirit and soul are one thing. As a born-again person, my Spirit man has been changed to become a perfect spirit, a new man, a new being. While my soul (mind, emotions) is still a work in progress, old things are being taken out, transformation still taking place. In your spirit, depending on your awakening could be having so much joy, fun and happiness, having a party while your soul is fixated on something on your past. If you are born again this is very important to do as you cease to work in your own strength but depend on the fuel generated from your spirit, a very powerful driving force any human has ever had. You can learn to draw energy, vibrations, strength from your spirit.

Are you present to your flourishment?

How do you see your prosperity, flourishment, and abundance now? When embarking on a business, relationship, the project most people tend to see prosperity and abundance in the future and not in the present. People live for the future and not the present. When you see the flourishment being in the future, you will forever be waiting for things to happen. Faith is now, prosperity and abundance are now in the present. You need to cultivate an environment that attracts what you want to see in the natural. Some people won’t plan or start working on something until they hold the money in their hands. In my experience as a coach, people who choose to work like this do not really get anywhere because they must see first to believe. However, those who cultivate their atmosphere by believing that they are already wealthy embrace the things they desire. One must think in a successful way in their present not only toward their future.

Create a flourished atmosphere

Is your mind, filled with lack, poverty, doubts, and fears, are you constantly thinking that you do not have the resources? Then you will project this thought in the next season and see exactly that. It’s not about money, it’s about a mind that sees itself with the money, not in cheap affirmations and confessions though it helps but a mind that is assured of what they have already in the present. Money should not be the measure of your prosperity, because prosperity is more than money. Look at your intellectual property, knowledge, experience, spiritual richness, the quality of who you are and whose you are. Bring what you see in your future back into your present and create that atmosphere where money desires to submit to you, accomplish tasks for you as a tool and a servant.

Transition time should be intentional time, a time of preparation. One can prepare, plan well by looking at what they possess in the present and then replenishing the deficiency for the next season with the necessary resources.

Prosper My Soul

Angeline Nyabepu.

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