Author name: Angeline Nyabepu

Taking Control of the New Season

We are about to step into a new season, a new year and most people will be making new resolutions. I have stopped making resolutions because l decided to live In purpose. This is not to say that making resolutions is a bad thing, I believe and encourage people to do what works for them. However, I have noticed that in whatever people set out to do, most of the time their desires are not fulfilled. In some cases, people’s lives change, within the period of working on their resolutions and their plans come to nothing. It could be down to not having a strategy on how their desire will be Implemented, resources or even procrastination, complacency, laziness takes the better of them.

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Intentionally Present for your Next Season

Prosperity and flourishment do not happen accidentally. You have got to be intentional about everything. Many people are sitting on prophecies and promises that they were given years ago. Year in year out they talk about these things and sometimes in gloating, “I was told that I will be prosperous, I will travel nations, I will be walking in miracles in my future” If you look back you will probably notice that you have been reciting the same thing over and over for more than two years. People tend to glory in the past or what they will become in the future forgetting that faith is now and that their present is very important.

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